This policy explains what is prohibited or restricted on Ead.

We have a zero tolerance policy for prohibited items, particularly those that promote, support or glorify hatred, those that promote, support or glorify violence, or are unlawful. Sellers deemed to violate this policy can be subject to immediate account suspension or termination, in accordance with our

This policy is a part of our By opening an Etsy shop, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use. If Ead has reason to believe you, your content, or your use of the Services violate our Terms, we may deactivate your content to some or all buyers or suspend or terminate your account (and any accounts Ead determines is related to your account) and your access to the Services. Generally, Ead will notify you that your content or account has been suspended or terminated, unless you’ve repeatedly violated our Terms or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.

The following types of items are prohibited or restricted on Ead:

  1. Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Medical Drugs
  2. Animal Products and Human Remains
  3. Dangerous Items: Hazardous Materials, Recalled Items, and Weapons
  4. Hate Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Hatred
  5. Illegal Items, Items Promoting Illegal Activity, and Highly Regulated Items
  6. Internationally Regulated Items
  7. Pornography and Mature Content
  8. Violent Items: Items that Promote, Support, or Glorify Violence